Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Rough Week

      This week was a bit more difficult than usual. Last weekend I didn't feel well, and I still wasn't feeling 100% this week. On Sunday as we were leaving church, Rylee started to run fever and she just wasn't feeling well at all. Monday night Rylee woke up crying at 1 AM and her temp was 104.6. I tried not to panic, and I stripped off her pj's, gave her a Popsicle, and gave her a sponge bath with cool water. We checked her temp again and it was 102.5, so I laid her in her bed with no covers except for her silky and let her go back to sleep. I stayed up all night worrying about her and checking on her, making sure she didn't get that hot again. I didn't want to risk her having a seizure or anything like that from a high temp. Since I didn't sleep at all, I took a personal day from work on Tuesday, and we took Rylee to the doctor. She had a double ear infection, a viral infection, and a bacterial infection in her tonsils. My poor baby was sick! The doctor gave her an antibiotic, but warned that she'd probably continue running fever from the viral infection until it ran its course. As of last night, she was still running a low grade fever, but it never got up that high again. Thank goodness! This week Rylee has been a handful. She has been throwing a lot of tantrums and crying a lot. I can tell she just really doesn't feel well. On top of that, she hasn't been eating barely anything, so I just pray she feels good as new soon!
      Work has been kind of crazy, too. When  I returned on Wednesday, I found out that my first planning and instruction evaluation will be on Monday. I am so nervous! I love my job, but some days it's a lot harder than I ever imagined it could be. I just hope it shows how hard I am trying and how much I care!

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