Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Safari Park

      Yesterday we went to the Safari Park for the first time. We had a blast. Rylee loved looking at all the animals. She was a little timid of the ones who wanted to stick their heads through our window, but once I rolled our window up, she really enjoyed it! There are so many different animals there. It is really an amazing experience. Rylee's favorite animal to see was the llama. She said it was "so cute!" Haha!
       After we drove around and looked at all the animals twice, we stopped and let the kids play a little and look at the animals in the walk-through section of the park. Rylee has so much fun playing with her cousins! And we have so much fun watching them play together. It's hard to believe how grown up our babies are already.
      Our favorite part of the walk-through section was the giraffe. Rylee and Kade even fed it. I was proud of Rylee for being brave enough to feed it a carrot. She laughed when its tongue touched her hand. She is really opening up more each day, and I am so proud of my precious baby girl!

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