Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

      This is has been Rylee's (and my) best Halloween by far. I love the age she is right now. Everything is so exciting, and she can do so many things this year that she couldn't last year. We really celebrated this year. We started on Saturday by attending 2 trunk-or-treats, and then last night we went trick-or-treating just to a few family members.
       Rylee had and absolute blast at the trunk-or-treats on Saturday! She LOVED the bouncy houses, and is still talking about them. She has been jumping on her bed pretending to be in a bouncy house. It just amazes me that last Halloween, she couldn't even walk, and this year she's jumping in bouncy houses! She also got tons of candy, went on a hayride, and got her face painted again. I would say the night was a success. She cried and cried when it was time to leave. She didn't want to go home, she wanted to stay and bounce forever!
     Yesterday, when I got off work we headed to Liz and Brandon's to begin our night of trick-or-treating. We let the kids play together for a little bit while Kade's Meme and Liz's neighbor, Kala made stops to see the kids and drop off goodies. Then we exchanged goody bags that we made for the kids. They got absolutely spoiled!
      Next we headed to Granny and Pawpaw's to trick-or-treat. We ran into Matt, Amber, and baby Jenna over there. They had the cutest idea for her first Halloween. She was a lobster and they were the chefs, and they carried her around in a pot! It was beyond adorable!
      Next we headed to Nonna and Granddaddy's for the grand finale to our night. They gave the kids a mini hayride. They rode around for a while, but Rylee and Kaden were being a little timid about it, so at first I rode with them, then Liz rode with them, then finally Mary rode with the kids. While it was Mary's turn to be the chaperon, and lever got knocked loose and the wagon dumped Mary, the hay, and all three kids right out! Luckily, no one was hurt at all and, now, it's just a funny story to tell! :) Both Liz and I agree that we are glad it happened during Mary's turn-haha!
      After the hayride ended so drastically, we went inside and had pizza together, then the kids got even more presents. Did I mention they are SPOILED?!
     Holidays are fun when you are little, but nothing compares to enjoying holidays as a parent of a young child! These are the best years of my life! I love making memories with my little love, and I can't wait to see what the rest of this holiday season has in store!

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