Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thankful Thursday Weeks 1 & 2

       Since it's November, I thought I'd do a weekly rundown of what I'm thankful for. Last Thursday, was the first of November, so I'm going to make up for it, by writing about 2 things I'm thankful for this week! :)
      I am so very thankful for my Rylee Love. She had a doctor's appointment yesterday for a physical and a flu shot. She was 27.2 lbs and 36 inches tall. I cannot believe how fast my "baby" is growing up. She is so smart and so sweet. She lights up my world in such an indescribable way. I am so blessed to be her mommy. Most of all, I am thankful that she is happy and healthy. Nothing is guaranteed in this crazy world, but so far, her life has been relatively problem-free, and that is the greatest blessing. I try to never take it for granted that my child is healthy because I know there are so many parents in this world that are not that fortunate. I know that the original sin, the fall of man, led to all illnesses and pain, but it is so hard to understand why innocent children suffer and die. I wish Adam and Eve would've had a crystal ball to see what pain they would cause with just one taste.
     I am also thankful for what I have. I was thinking the other day after a particularly hard day at work, "I don't make enough to deal with this." That got me thinking, what is enough? My bills are paid, I have a roof over my head, there is food on my table every night, I have clothes on my back, my daughter has more clothes and shoes than I do, and more toys than she could play with in a week. What is enough? I have enough. I have much more than enough. I am thankful for what I have. Even though this economy is hard, and Ryan still has been unable to find work, we have enough. I am so incredibly thankful for that. Even if we didn't have enough, we have family who love and support us and would never let us starve, that is more than enough. Even if we didn't have any of that, we have a God who promises an eternal life of joy and praise after this temporary life is through. That is more than enough. Material things don't matter so much, but I am thankful for what I have.

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