Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful Thursday Week 4

     I am extremely thankful for my amazing husband, Ryan. I could never express all the reasons I am thankful to have him by my side everyday, but I will list a few.
      He is the best part of me. When we started dating, we were both 18, just kids, we have grown up together. Through that growing process, we rubbed off on one another quite a bit. I can honestly say that having him in my life has made me who I am today. I wouldn't be the wife I am, the mother I am, or the teacher I am without his influence on me. He has mellowed me out quite a bit, even though I can still be a bit high strung-ha!
      He makes me smile, and even more than that, he makes me laugh. I am so happy when we are together. We still act like giant kids most of the time, and there's an innocence in that type of fun, that makes my soul happy.
     He takes care of me and Rylee more than he even knows. He does things for us that not every husband or father does. He goes beyond what is expected of him and does things to make things easier for me. Even when he was workign full time, he still took immaculate care of Rylee in the mornings while I was at school, did the laundry, and usually even did things to help keep the apartment clean. He teaches Rylee so much, that one would think he was the one with a background in education. He is such an amazing father and husband, and I am truly thankful for him every single day.

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