Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, January 18, 2013

A New Adventure

      Sometimes, it seems like this was just yesterday, but sometimes it seems like a lifetime ago. I can't even remember what life was like before becoming a mommy. I love my Rylee-bug so very much! She has grown so much. Because she has gotten to be so mature, Ryan and I decided that our family might be ready to grow. We talked about it a lot. Even without him working, we are so much more financially stable than we were when we got pregnant with Rylee, and we have faith he will get a great job soon. I have good medical insurance. We have plenty of room in this house, whether Mary and Bailey decide to stay or go, we have plenty of space. Everything just seemed right. Plus our hearts were just ready for another sweet baby. We didn't want to do the whole "trying to conceive" thing and try to plan something as magical as a new life, we just thought that we would stop trying to not have a baby, and when the time was right it would happen. We liked how Rylee was a wonderful surprise, and we wanted the same experience for our next child.
      I guess the time was right right away because we are going to be parents again! It is almost more terrifying this time than last time because now 3 people's lives are going to be changed forever, not just 2. Like I said, we wanted this baby to be a surprise, but he/she had other plans. At week 3 (which is a full week before it is recommended to take a pregnancy test) I already had pregnancy symptoms including intense heartburn. I got suspicious and on 1/16/13, bought a test, and sure enough, we're on our way to being parents of 2! The line is faint because I took it early, but I took another a few days later and it was much darker. It is still surreal to me right now. We are going to wait until we go to the doctor and hear a heartbeat and make sure everything is okay before we announce it. I'm sure the secret will get harder to keep over the next few weeks, but right now it feels kind of intimate just keeping this little miracle between the two of us. From what I have researched I am due around September 30, 2013. This will be just before Fall break next school year, so the timing should be pretty good.
     I can't believe my baby is going to be a big sister! She's going to be great at it though. She is so easy-going and independent. She's going to love helping take care of her new baby brother or sister. She already kisses my belly and says, "Hi, baby sister!" That's what she insists is in there. We tried to tel her it could be a brother or a sister, but she's set on sister. She doesn't really understand what's going on because she was too young to remember when Mel was pregnant with Austin, but she will understand more once my belly starts growing. :)

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