Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, January 21, 2013

An Easy Week

     This week has been great! Due to icy conditions, we were out of school the second half of the day on Tuesday and all day on Wednesday. Rylee was so excited when I came home early on Tuesday. I got to play with her for a little bit and then it was her nap time. I worked on school work to make sure I stayed caught up even though we were missing school, but then I got the call that we were going to be staying home on Wednesday, too. Luckily, I had thought ahead and brought home anything that needed to be done before Thursday, so I stayed caught up.
      Wednesday, we enjoyed a lazy morning at home. By noon, all of the ice had melted, so we headed to run a few errands, and then we went out to lunch. It was a lot of fun. I love family time! When we got home, Rylee took a nap and I took a bubble bath. Thursday we were back to school and my kiddos and I worked very hard, but we learned everything that we needed to, so this week definitely didn't go to waste. While I was working hard at school, Ryan had a job interview at a local factory, we should hear back in the next few days, so prayers would be appreciated!
     Because of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, we had a 3-day weekend this weekend: even more family time! :) Saturday we went to the park with Mary, Bailey, Liz, and Kade. Yes, it was icy on Tuesday and Wednesday, but it was sunny and in the mid-fifties on Saturday, so we got to spend some much needed outdoor playtime. We stayed at the park for about 2 hours while the kids played and played and played.
      Yesterday, we went to church in the morning and then came home so the kiddos could nap. After nap time, we headed to Liz and Brandon's to watch the NFL playoff games. The kids had a blast playing together while the adults talked, laughed, ate deep fried junk food, and enjoyed the games. Today, we are simply being lazy. I will have to do some more school work in a little bit, but not much, and after that I'm thinking it may be the perfect time for a bubble bath! Ha!

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