Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Just Another Day in Paradise

It is only Tuesday, but this week has already got me WORN OUT! It doesn't help that Rylee and I are both fighting chest colds and I haven't been sleeping well due to coughing. But I feel like work has been crazy too. My kiddos have been off the walls and we have a ton of tests right now: ESA, Star Reading, and Aimsweb all in a 2 week period. Ick! Plus we have to do Instructional Reading Level benchmarking this week, too. My kids are worn out, I am worn out, and we all hate being so off routine. But such is life. Rylee had to come to school at 3:15 today because Ryan had to get stuff done for his new job (Yay! Yay! Yay!) and she made it a bit difficult to get work done. She told every teacher on my wing that she wanted to go to the park, so around 4:30 I gave in and took her to the park. It was much needed fun! Maybe the rest of this week will be easy on me. I have a half day for a drs appointment on Friday, so maybe that'll help.

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