Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Mary and Bailey's Big Move

      Yesterday, we helped move Mary and Bailey into their new home: a cute little duplex about 5-10 minutes from where we live now. It was very bittersweet. I am so very proud of Mary and all the things she's accomplished since she made the hardest decision of her life last May, but I am going to miss having her and Bailey here with us. Our lives completely turned around when they moved in, we had to make adjustments and so did they, but it was a lot of fun having them with us for the last 7 months.
      When we went over to start unloading things at the new place, the girls had a blast playing in all the empty space. First they had a dance party in the living room, and then a tea party in a closet. They are so silly together. They usually behave like sisters, they love each other, but they fight over everything, but the last few days they knew something was coming and they have been absolute angels when it comes to playing together nicely. It was too sweet.
     The most exciting thing about Mary and Bailey getting a new place is that Bailey now has her own room with a big girl bed! Bailey had to help Uncle Ryan put it together. She was so excited about her new room. When Ryan got the bed together, the girls had to try it out. They snuggled in it, then of course they had to jump on it!
     I met Mary at noon to help her buy things she would need for her new place. While we were shopping Brandon (superman) moved all the big furniture that she had to the new place, luckily she didn't have much and it only took him one load. Around 3 we dropped all the stuff off at her new place, just as Brandon was finishing up. He headed home and we headed back to the house to get the rest of her smaller stuff and bring it over. We loaded up my car, Ryan's car, and Mary's car, but got it all in one trip! Then we had to put everything together. Since she didn't have much furniture, she had to buy a lot and it all needed to be assembled. Just after 9, we finally finished with assembly. At that point Rylee was passed out on the couch and Bailey was asleep in her bed. It had been a long day. The move almost didn't happen. Kade got the flu this week (poor baby!), so Liz wasn't able to come help. I got the stomach flu Friday night, and was all better, but still feeling wimpy all day yesterday while we moved, and it was snowing all day Friday and Saturday, luckily it was too warm to accumulate. Now they are all moved out and this house seems awfully quiet....

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