Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, March 9, 2013

A New "Toy"

     This year we decided to put our income tax refund to good use: we got Rylee a swing and climber set so that she has something to play on outside at home. She was so excited. It was delivered this morning just before her nap time which was perfect because Ryan needed a few hours to assemble it. He worked hard and it was together before she woke up. When, she got up he took her out to see it and she was in awe. She couldn't believe that she got such a big surprise. She played and played and played on it. I have a feeling it is going to get some good use!
      So far, her favorite part is the slide. She just runs in circles climbing up, sliding down, then again. I like that this set is not too short, but not so tall that it is intimidating or dangerous. This play set is the perfect size for young children. The age on the box said 3-8, I have a feeling she will be using it throughout that age range. The only thing is the slide is a bit slender, so I think the slide is best for ages 2-5/6 depending on the size of the child, but that still gives us several years of good use! :)
     Today was an absolutely gorgeous day to surprise her with this gift. It was breezy and 70 outside today. We are so excited that Spring is on it's way! The only thing that could've made this day better is if I wasn't sick. I have a sinus infection and bronchitis and I have been miserable all week, but seeing her smile and laugh has definitely been good medicine! I love this sweet girl so!

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