Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Spring Break 2013

      Today is the last day of a 10-day-long break from school. I am sad to see it go. It has definitely had it's ups and downs. Our last week of school before break was a short week, but it was action packed. Rylee was having some issues and I had to leave school at 10 am on Tuesday to go get her and take her to the doctor to get things checked out. Then we had to go home and get ready for her school Easter party on Wednesday. She had a pretty good day Wednesday, ten we went out to dinner to celebrate Aunt Liz's birthday. We all had a good time. Then Rylee woke up at 3 am with yet another stomach virus. This makes 3 in 3 months. Since I had missed school Tuesday, Ryan had to call in to work Thursday to stay home with her. By the time I got home Thursday afternoon to start my Spring break, all I wanted to do was sleep! I had been up since 3 on top of us having Easter festivities at school and 18 hyped up 6/7-year-olds ready for Spring Break. This mommy/teacher was worn out!
      Friday, Rylee and I slept in a little bit, then I went ahead and dropped Rylee off at school, so that Liz and I could have a much needed shopping day. I got Rylee's summer wardrobe done, got myself some cute maternity clothes, and got Ryan a few things for his birthday, but most of all we got some much need retail therapy. There is nothing like a shopping day with my sister! :) After Friday, we spent a quiet Saturday at home. We just relaxed and had family time. Sunday we went to church, then Sunday night Ryan and I had a date night. Even though we've been married almost 4 years, I still absolutely LOVE going out on dates with my hubby!
     Monday, we spent the evening over at Nonna and Granddaddy's to celebrate Ryan's birthday with them since they were heading out of town and were going to miss it. We had a lot of fun. They treated us to a delicious steak dinner, lots of family time and laughs, and Ryan got a nice outfit and some spending money. Best of all, there were birthday brownies! Can you tell this preggo chick, had a blast feasting Monday night? haha!
     Unfortunately, a lot of my other Spring break plans were cancelled due to what happened next. Tuesday morning, I woke up around 6 with a deep pain in my belly and I knew what was coming, I had gotten a hold of Rylee's stomach virus...ick! I was sick all day Tuesday, until about midnight when I finally fell asleep and started to get a little better. I was still a little sick and VERY weak Wednesday, so both of those days, Rylee and I spent the days with indoor fun. Well, she had fun; I did not.
     Thursday was a gorgeous day, so we headed to the park and played a bit, then we headed to Mary's house for our weekly cousin play date. Lately there have been some big changes in Rylee's life with her starting preschool and Mary and Bailey moving out, and her behavior has been pretty unpredictable. She has been having wild tantrums and fits over the strangest things. It has been very trying and both Ryan and I have been trying to be understanding with her, but it has been getting worse and worse and it has started to affect her socially, so Friday, we decided to stay home and work on some different coping strategies and try to help her improve. We still had a fun time as a family at home, we just tried to help her feel secure in communicating her feelings with us without screaming, crying, kicking, hitting, etc. Oh, the joys of parenthood! :)
       Saturday, was Ryan's birthday, so Rylee woke him up with breakfast in bed and we spent a quiet morning as a family. Since Sunday was Easter, we had plans to spend the afternoon with Liz, Brandon, Kade, Mary, and Bailey to do and Easter egg hunt and then a birthday dinner for Ryan. It was all a blast. Te kids loved uhnting for eggs and then checking out the goodies inside their eggs. We also and a good time eating good food at El Patio.
     Rylee got some good stuff for Easter. She got an Easter basket from us, Nonna, and Granny. She;s a spoiled girl! After church today, we had an Easter feast over at Granny and Paw paw's and then we had a small Easter egg hunt for Rylee and Jenna. It was a lot of fun. Those sweet girls just keep growing and it gets more and more fun to watch them get into different holidays and events. We just wish their other little cousin, Austin could ave been there. Then it would have been perfect!
     This Spring Break has had it's ups and downs, but my main focus was family. Having Mary and Bailey move in wit us was wonderful, it was a great part of God's plan and I am grateful for tat time, but now that they're gone, I've realized that I missed having intimate family time, and that some things in that aspect have suffered. My family is the most important thing to me on this earth, so I want to spend every moment I can working on building a strong foundation for our family to continue to grow. I am blessed beyond measure with my wonderful husband and sweet Rylee-Love. I can't wait to see what our family becomes as it grows from 3 to 4.

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