Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Big Announcement & Dr. Update

     Last Friday, we had the big doctor's appointment. We had our first ultrasound of the new baby and we also went through a screening for some birth defects. Everything looked great and right on track! We were waiting for this appointment before we announced this pregnancy, because we wanted to make sure everything was okay with the baby before we shared our news with the world. We made announcement cards to send out to all of our family. We put them in the mail as soon as we got home from the doctor so that they could be sent out, and our news could finally be shared! 
     It was such an amazing experience to see our little booger on the ultrasound. At only 11 weeks and 4 days, our baby seems so developed. We have 2 arms, 2 legs, hands and feet, an abdomen, and a cute little head with a sweet little face. I couldn't believe how much he/she was moving around in there. The baby kicked, waved, and wiggled throughout the entire 10 minute ultrasound. It was such an awesome experience.
    This is my belly at 12 weeks. It's definitely time to announce this pregnancy before the baby does the announcing for itself. My belly is growing more quickly this time than it did with Rylee, probably because I had more belly to start with-haha! But luckily, I haven't gained any weight just yet; I've actually lost 3 lbs in the last 12 weeks. :) I'm sure I'll start gaining soon, it's only natural, but hopefully not too much. Because we've been keeping this a secret, we haven't been talking much about it, so I haven't really "felt" pregnant yet. After seeing our little miracle on the ultrasound, it is all so real. I can't wait to meet the newest addition to the Massengill family. We are beyond blessed!

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