Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, April 13, 2013

16 Week Baby Update

     Yesterday, we went to the doctor for Baby Massengill's 16 week check-up. He/she is doing great! Heart rate was 140 beats per minute, and all the screening results for chromosomal birth defects came back normal. So far, so good! We scheduled our gender ultrasound for May 10. I cannot wait to find out what gender our precious little baby is. I've been hoping for another little girl from the start. I love being the mommy of a little princess, so having another would be twice the fun. Plus, I don't think there is any greater blessing in life than a sister. My sisters are my best friends, and I would love for Rylee to have that experience. But of course, we would love a little brother just the same. Ryan and his family are all hoping for boy. I guess it's an ego thing for men to want a little legacy. Either way, I feel that this little addition will complete our family. If we are not completely done growing our family, we are at least done for a while.
     This little sweetie is going to be an amazing big sister. I can't wait to see her in action. I have no illusions that she won't be jealous at first, but she is such an independent little girl, that even if she becomes more needy, I feel like it won't be a problem to give her some extra attention and take care of the new baby, too. Luckily, the due date is during the school year, so she will be going to preschool during the day, so I have bonding time  (and nap time!) with the new baby, but when she gets home, we will have lots of family time, too. I couldn't be more excited, and I can't wait to meet our newest love, but for now, I'm focusing on Rylee and making sure she is as prepared as possible for the changes to come.

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