Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sesame Street Live

     Yesterday, we took the kids to Memphis to see Sesame Street Live at the Fed Ex Forum. At first, I think the Moms were more excited than the kids, but as we told them about it over this week, they got more and more and excited. By the time yesterday rolled around, Rylee was so excited she could barely sleep; I had to bribe her to get her to get a nap in before the 5:30 show. 
    First we headed to the gift shop. Kade and Bailey both opted for Sesame Street binoculars, but Rylee wanted a plush Zoe doll. She is a stuffed animal type of girl. She has tons, but she could never have enough in her mind. She has carried that doll around since the moment she got it. When we got in our seats, the kids all waited anxiously for the characters to come out.
     From the minute the curtain went up, Rylee was in awe of the show. She sang along, laughed, danced, clapped, and just watched in wonder. She loved it all, except when the characters came into the crowd. She said, "I want to see them. I don't want them to get me." I love her little mind. When we got home, her only complaint was that she wasn't able to go on the stage and "play in Elmo's World." I'm assuming she only wanted to play in it after the characters were gone.
     This week has been busy trying to get back into the routine of going to work and Rylee going to school. She cried Monday and Tuesday, but the rest of the week she was happy to go, and today she even asked if she could go to school. I'm glad she likes where she goes. I hope she always loves school, it sure makes it a lot easier to send her there, when I know she's happy. :)

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