Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My "First" Field Trip

      Today we took my first full field trip as a teacher, and it was crazy! We went on a field trip while I was a student teacher, and that was a lot of work, but it wasn't nearly as much work as today was. Let's just say, these sweet babies wore me out! I am so thankful for my 3 parent volunteers, or I would have really been out by now! It is 4:30 in the afternoon, and I could so get into bed!
     We travelled to Donnell Century Farms in Jackson. We had a lot of fun. It was a little bit hectic because it doesn't seem like there was any schedule or anything, but the kids got to do a lot of fund things. There was a play rotation of 3 stations and an educational rotation of 3 stations. The play rotation consisted of a playground made from hay and farm equipment, including a tire pit (but my kids didn't get a chance to play on the tire part), a hayride that included a story trail, and a giant "pumpkin pillow", basically a bouncy house without the house. The kids had a lot of fun. After the play rotation, we had a picnic lunch, then we quickly headed to the educational rotation.
     During the educational rotation the kids went through a series of buildings that taught them about different aspects of the farm like where produce comes from, where we get beef, and where we get milk. Then there was a soybean station here the kids got to plant soybean in a water gel so hopefully they will sprout and they can have a plant at home, then there was an animal feeding station. We were very rushed through the educational station, and still ended up back on the bus 15 minutes late! It was very, very, very hectic, but the kids all seemed to enjoy it, and that's all that matters. I can't believe I only have 3 more weeks with these babies. They are my first group of "my kids." I am going to miss them, but I have to say I am looking forward to summer vacation. This teacher is tired!

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