Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy!!

     Since last Saturday, I feel like we have been running full throttle, and I am a bit worn out today! Saturday, we went to go get a lawnmower and weed eater because Spring is here in full force and this is our first Spring/Summer having a yard to take care of. The whole process took a lot longer than expected, so we ended up going all day to get it and by the time we got home, it was time for dinner, then Rylee's bath time and bedtime.
     Last Sunday, we made the 3.5-4 hour drive up to my parents' house to visit with them and my grandmother and half-sister. It was good to have family time, but because Ryan works third shift now, he wasn't able to come and I missed him. Plus Rylee was a bit of a handful the whole time because she doesn't do well in unfamiliar situations, so it wore me out a bit more having to deal with her on my own. We didn't make it home until nearly 9, then it was bedtime to prepare for the long week ahead of us.
   Because we had such a busy weekend, I tried to spend family time and relax a bit after work each day this week, but it was a tough week. We have our big SAT 10 test coming up this week, so last week we were reviewing and practicing, and it was just tiring. My kiddos were worn out, and I was definitely worn out. 
     Yesterday was a bit busy as well, I got up with Rylee at 7 and I instantly started to clean the house because it hadn't been cleaned in over 2 weeks due to us going-going-going. It needed it badly! Then I played with Rylee for a little bit, and spent about an hour of quality time with Ryan and Ryles. After that, I got ready to go to a dear friend's bridal shower. I enjoyed the shower, and it was fun to watch her get so many nice things to start her new life as a wife. After the shower, I headed home for a bit, then Rylee and I headed to Katie's 8th birthday party, we picked up Mary and Bailey along the way, and off the luau we went. We had a lot of fun at the party, but we didn't get home until almost 9, and by then, Rylee and I were both tired.
      This morning, we slept in until 8:30 (woo!), then we got up and got ready to go to church. We had an amazing service. I really love our new pastor, Brother Josh. He is so passionate about everything he preaches. His messages always have a way of hitting home and making you want to act on what you've heard. After church, Bailey and Rylee "found" a kitty in the parking lot (it was the pastor's kitty from next door). They had a blast chasing it and trying to catch it. Ryan picked it up for them to let them pet it, but they had more fun when it was down so they could chase it. Poor thing! Then we headed to lunch with Nonna, Granddaddy, Mary, and Bailey at Pizza Hut.
    Since we got home, we have been relaxing. Rylee and Ryan both laid down for naps. Ryan has to start his work week at 10 tonight, but he still has a few more hours of weekend left. While they napped, I laid out in the sun and listened to music. It was great to just be still for an hour. Since Rylee has been up, she has been playing and playing outside. She loves being outdoors, and I love seeing how happy she is out there. Our plans for the rest of today include grilling out dinner, and just enjoying each other's company. It sounds absolutely perfect to me! :)

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