Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Our 4th Anniversary

      Thursday was our 4th wedding anniversary. It feels like time has flown by, but it also feels like we have been together our whole lives. I guess because the most important things in our live have all happened in these last 4 years! :)
    We didn't do much Thursday to celebrate because we both had to work and were tired, so we decided it'd be best to go out to celebrate on Friday night instead. Thursday, we just ordered a pizza and enjoyed some family time.
     I did, however, surprise Ryan with a new drill set on Thursday. He had been wanting a drill for a while now. On our date Friday night, he bought me 3 new pairs of shoes. I must say his gift was better than mine. I'd take shoes over tools any day! Haha! Gifts are all well and good, but the most important thing is 4 years later, we are still very much in love. We still enjoy being around each other, and we're still genuinely happy together. I love our little family and I can't believe on our 5th anniversary we will be a family of 4! I can't wait! :) 4 years down, forever to go!

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