Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, May 5, 2013

This Adventure We Call Life...

     This week at school has been one of the most tiring weeks so far. 2 field trips and 18 kids with a severe case of spring fever has made for one exhausted teacher! So we decided to make this weekend a fun one and take the three kiddos to ChuckECheese in Jackson.
     I kept Bailey yesterday morning while Mary worked until noon, and the girls had a great time. After their nap, we got ready to go and the kids were thrilled. On the way to Jackson, Rylee spit up a little bit. The car was stuffy, so we assumed it was just a little carsickness and went on.
      Unfortunately it turned out to be a stomach virus of some sort, and she ended up getting sick again about an hour later at Chuckecheese. We got out of there as quickly as we could and headed home. Rylee was getting sick in a bag in the backseat while Mary and I tried to help keep her clean. Ryan was hurrying home because she was sick. We had both got puked on so he had his shirt and my shirt in the trunk. I was wearing his undershirt and he was shirtless. And we got pulled over for speeding. It was a bit surreal, a child was literally green in the back seat, we had a bag of vomit, Ryan was shirtless, and this guy writes him a ticket anyways. Oh well, such is life.
     Once we got home, Rylee continued getting sick until about 11:30 PM, then she finally fell asleep. She got up around 6:30 AM and drank some watered down juice and has seemed fine ever since, just very weak and tired. This is her 4th stomach virus since December. Lets hope she can stay well for a while, now....

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