Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

28-Week Dr. Update

    Today we went to the Dr. to check on Payton. She is doing well. Her heart rate is staying steady at 150 beats per minute. I had to take my yucky glucose test today. Thankfully, I passed and won't have to take another test! I gained 1 lb between this appointment and my last one, putting me at a total of +10 lbs. I am starting my 3rd trimester, so that means Dr. visits are becoming more frequent, and we are getting closer and closer to meeting Miss Payton!! She is a very active little girl so far during this pregnancy. I swear she never stops moving! I am also beginning to feel the joys of rib pain as she is starting to grow up into my rib cage. Another [not] fun pregnancy symptom I've been struggling with lately is roller coaster emotions. I cannot seem to keep them in check, but the people who love me will love me in spite of my craziness, right? :)

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