Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Rylee's 3 Year Check-Up

      Today I took Rylee to her 36 month check-up with Dr. Melton. She weighed in at 29 lbs and measured 38 inches tall. I cannot believe my baby is 3 ft 2 in tall! Her height and weight put her at the 25-50% for weight and 50-75% for height. She is growing perfectly! At this check-up she did a hearing a vision test, both which she passed with flying colors. They also did a routine screening for anemia, kidney function, and childhood diabetes. They said they'd call if anything was abnormal, but I'm not expecting a call. What impressed me about Rylee is she did not even flinch when they pricked her finger for the anemia test, and she peed in the cup for the kidney function and childhood diabetes screening without even the slightest bit of fuss. She is getting better and better about freaking out in unfamiliar or scary situations. My baby's growing up on me!
    Look at just how much she has grown and changed over the last 3 years! I cannot believe she is even the same girl as that tiny baby I held in my arms 3 years ago! She now wears size 4T in shirts, dresses, pj's, and jeans, but 3T in shorts, skirts, and swimwear. She doesn't wear pull-ups at all anymore, even for bedtime! She is 100% potty trained. See, I told you we'd have her trained by age 3! ;) Now that it's summer, she typically sleeps from about 9-7:30 and takes a 2-3 hour nap during the day. During the school year she slept from 7:30-6. It's funny how she still sleeps 10 1/2 hours at night, once I pushed her bedtime back, her wake time got pushed back as well. 

     Now let me take a minute to brag on her brain. She has always been smart, but her motor skills have always lagged behind. That is why I am so impressed that she can almost write her name all by herself! The only letter she still struggles with is the y. We started working on this the first week of June, and on the very first day she learned how to independently write the l and the e's. She wrote this on her birthday: Rolee. I think for how young she is and how bad her motor skills have always been this is absolutely amazing! This was the first Check-up Rylee has ever had where the Dr. said her motor skills were on level. She is finally catching up in that area! He also said her speech and vocabulary skills were advanced for her age. She seriously reminds us of one of those kids from the AT&T commercials that just ramble on and on when they talk. He said what makes her skills not just on level but advanced is that she starts up conversations on her own and tells complete stories, she doesn't just answer questions and respond when spoken to, which is what the appropriate speech of a 3-year-old consists of.
     After her check-up, I took her to Chikfila for lunch since it is her favorite place to go. She ate her lunch, played, had and ice-cream cone, then played some more. We were there for over an hour, but it was fun, and I love to see her so happy!
      Ryan was supposed to come with us today, but he decided at the last minute not to. I was disappointed at first, but it turned out to be a great mommy-daughter day! It helped that Rylee behaved perfectly all day. I didn't even get a tantrum when it was time to leave Chikfila. She came along, even though she clearly wanted to stay. You would have to really know Rylee to know why I keep repeating how impressed with her I am lately, but boy, has she come a long way this year! I am so proud of my big girl! 

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