Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

2 Weeks with Payton

     Payton is 2 weeks old today. She has already grown so much! She's now in size 1 diapers and she's fitting into her 0-3 M clothes much better than she was at first. She is exclusively breastfed thus far and eats about every 3 hours during the day but goes for one 4-5 hour stretch almost every night.
     On Friday, she had her very first doctor's visit, and she passed her check-up with flying colors. The doctor said she was doing so well, there was no need to schedule a 2-week check-up, and he'd wait to see her again until 1 month! She weighed 8 lbs, 1 oz and was 19.5 inches long. My big girl!
     We've also gone on our first outings this week. First Granny and Paw Paw took us out to lunch at Olympic Friday after her check-up, then Saturday, we all went to Pumpkins, Pines, and Ponds. Rylee, Kade, and Bailey had an absolute blast, and Payton seemed to enjoy it as well. She liked riding around in her stroller and spending some time outdoors. She even got on her very first hayride, even though she slept through the whole thing. Haha!
       Rylee has decided she likes her baby sister a lot and has been spending much more time with her lately. Everyday she gets more and more interested in her. It's so sweet. And she's still very protective when anyone says they're going to take baby Payton home with them. Rylee's phrase over and over this week has been, "We're a family!" I love it!
     Rylee is on fall break from preschool this week, so she has been spending her days with Payton and I. I am tired because I haven't been able to sleep as much, but I love having both of my girls with me and watching them interact. Payton is never as alert as she is when Rylee is playing with her. It's adorable.
     Payton got to meet her Ma and PA this week! They both thought she was a keeper, and I agree! My sweet girl will steal your heart on sight!
         Payton's umbilical cord fell off this week at 12 days old! So today she got to have her very first bath. Rylee was excited to have Payton join her for bath time. She even picked out 2 rubber duckies for them today at walmart. Yes, I took both girl grocery shopping, and no it actually wasn't difficult! :)
      Payton loved the warm water, but hated when she got out and it was time for lotion and pj's. After she was dressed and fed, she was knocked out. That's what mommies and daddies love about baths... ;)

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