Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, October 17, 2013

3 Weeks

      Payton Joy is 3 weeks old. It feels like she was only born yesterday, but also like she's been with us for a lifetime. I can't imagine life without her now. She is such a sweet baby, I love her so stinkin' much! She's been going through a growth spurt this week, so she has been wanting to eat about every 1.5-2 hours. It has worn this mommy out, but I don't mind. I love nursing her, it was difficult the first week, but it is amazing how easy it is now. And best of all, I know that it is what is best for her. I took her to daycare this week to meet Ne-Ne (Ms. Cindy). I know she is going to be in great hands, but I don't want to think about leaving her everyday just yet. I still have just over 4 weeks of leave left, so I am just going to enjoy the time I have with her before I have to go back to work.
     Last Thursday, Payton went on her first mini road trip to Chickasaw State Park to spend some time with my family. We all had a lot of fun. The weather was gorgeous and all the kids (even Payton) loved spending the whole day outdoors. Friday night we had a family cookout and Saturday my parents went back home. It was a good visit, and I'm glad they got to meet Payton.
    2 weeks ago, Rylee got poison oak on her hands. It was ugly, but I thought it'd just clear up and be gone before we knew it. Then it spread to her face, first she had just a little rash, but then Sunday morning, she woke up and her face was covered in it and so swollen that we could barely recognize her. I felt so bad for her. Monday, I took her to the Dr. and within minutes of getting a steroid shot, her swelling was gone. We have been putting a corticosteroid cream on it, and now it is almost completely gone, but it was scary how bad it got. Because I needed to get Rylee to the Dr., I had to leave Payton for the first time on Monday. Granny and Paw  Paw watched her for about 4 hours while I got Rylee to the Dr., then took her out to Chikfila to help her forget about the mean shots she had to get. It was fun to spend some 1-on-1 time with Rylee, but it sure was hard to be without Payton. I'm happiest when I have both of my sweet girls with me. Rylee decided that she was ready to go back to school on Tuesday, and I have been missing her during the day while she's gone. I love my girls and feel so blessed to have 2 of the sweetest babies on the planet.

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