Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, October 25, 2013

Has it REALLY been a whole month already?!

    Payton Joy is 1 month old today! Goodness where has this month gone?! Payton is now 10 lbs, 4 oz, and 21 inches long. Her head circumference is 39 cm. She wears size 1 diapers, size 0-3 M clothes, but her tiny feet are still too small for NB socks and shoes, they just fall right off! She takes Avent 0-6 M pacis. She is exclusively breastfed thus far; no formula for her little belly. She prefers nursing, but she will take a bottle of breast milk just fine. She has started to eat on a schedule, every 3 hours at 3, 6, 9, 12 AM and PM. Every now and then she'll skip the midnight feeding and go right to the 3 am feeding, but that is rare. She likes to cluster feed at night and will nurse every hour from 6-9, so at 6, 7, 8, and 9 PM, then go to sleep. She sleeps swaddled in her pack and play right beside our bed. We're planning on moving her to her crib in her room at around 3 months, but we shall see when the times comes.
     Payton turned over from her belly to her back for the first time at 3 weeks, 1 day old. She did it at least a dozen times that day, but has only done it twice since. She even knew it was too soon for her to be doing that! ;) Her favorite place is her swing. She is so calm and content there. She also likes her play mat for short periods. She can only stand tummy time for about 10 minutes before she gets fussy, but she can last playing on her back for about a half hour before she gets bored and ready to get up. She is getting very smiley. I love all her little expressions. If you make faces at her, she will try to mimic you, but it often just turns into her sticking out her tongue. She loves her big sister and tried to have her eyes on her anytime she is nearby. Rylee adores Payton as well. This morning, Payton was fussing a little while I was getting ready to take Rylee to school, so Rylee gave her her stuffed elephant and her paci and she instantly got quiet. I love my sweet girls!
     She went to church for the first time on Sunday. She did great, she slept the whole time. It felt amazing to be there as a whole family!
     I am so completely in love with this sweet girl. I just wish time would slow down! She is growing and changing so quickly, and I only have 3 weeks left with her before I have to return to work. That is going to be the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I didn't have to leave Rylee full time until she was 18 months old, and it was still very hard to leave her part time when she was a baby. Pray for this mama, because it is going to take these next 3 weeks to prepare my heart for leaving this sweet baby, and I know I'll still cry like a baby when the time comes...

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