Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

1 Week Old

    Little Miss Payton is 1 week old today. I forgot how quickly time flies when you have a newborn. She is such a good baby. She nurses like a champ and sleeps well at night. She is usually alert for about 2 hours in the afternoon, and she is so funny looking around taking everything in. She is the quietest baby, she never fusses and only cries when she's hungry. I am so impressed with her, and already so in love.
    Ryan started orientation at his new job Monday, so it has just been Payton and I during the day. We mostly sleep and eat. I think this quiet time has helped a lot in my recovery from my csection. I know I didn't feel this healthy this quickly after having Rylee. We had to go somewhere either the Dr or to visit with family everyday after having Rylee, but I haven't left the house once since getting home from the hospital with Payton, and I really think that's made all the difference.
     Rylee has been doing great, too. I make sure once she gets home to spend some time with her while Ryan spends some time with Payton, but that's more for me than for her. I miss my Rylee during the day while she's at school, and I'm excited that next week is Fall Break so she will be home with Payton and I all week. Payton likes to check out her big sister, but Rylee still isn't too interested in Payton. She hasn't shown any jealousy, but she's just not interested in holding her or anything. She is however very protective of her and won't let anyone else say they are going to take baby Payton. And the one thing she is interested in is giving baby Payton bottles. Since I nurse, she hasn't had many chances, but I pumped her a bottle to give her, and she was so excited to help feed baby sister. It was sweet. I love my 2 girls to pieces and I have thoroughly enjoyed this week. I am looking forward to many more wonderful weeks to come.

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