Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, March 3, 2014

A Hard Winter

     It has been a cold, icy winter thus far. Technically we only have 2 1/2 weeks until Spring, but I'm not sure Spring is going to come on time this year. Our winter weather started in late fall-early December-with sleet and ice. We used 1 "snow day" on that yucky mess. 
     In January, it was one thing after another. We missed several days in January: 2 due to just plain COLD weather. With windchills below zero, we couldn't risk our precious students freezing at the busstops waiting on busses that may or may not start in such harsh temperatures, or some of our older students, who walk to school each day, freezing on their way to school, so we had to call off school.
    In February, we had a nasty ice storm that left several without power for hours, in a few cases, even days. That put us out of school for 2 more days. We also got some snow one Saturday, but it didn't last long at all.
     Today we have about 3 inches of ice under about an inch of snow. It looks beautiful outside, but it is a nasty MESS! So again, no school for us. This is the 8th snow day we have had this winter (not even counting days that we had to dismiss school early due to yucky weather), and it looks like tomorrow will be our 9th. Hopefully we will be done with this yucky weather after that.
     I like a snow day as much as the next teacher, but I feel like all these snow days are making it hard to really teach, and that is what I love to do! Plus, I'm just plain ready for warm weather and sunshine. But we do live in TN, so Spring usually means thunder storms and tornado watches. Fun, fun, fun! Can it just be SUMMER already?! ;)

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