Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Ryan's Birthday Weekend

     Today is Ryan's 24th birthday! We celebrated all weekend long. Admittedly our household usually revolves around our girls, then me, and Ryan last, so I always try to make sure he knows how much we love and appreciate all he does to keep his girls happy. His birthday is just a chance to change our priorities for a day (or a few) and make him the top priority! We started out Friday by dropping the girls off with Nonna and Granddaddy and heading to Jackson for a date night, We had a delicious dinner and just some quality time as a couple. It's good to go from "mommy and daddy" back to just "husband and wife" every now and again!
      Saturday, I kept the girls, and Ryan headed to Millington with Brandon to have some "boy" fun at the shooting range. Bailey came over to play while Mary worked that morning, and not long after she left, Kade and Liz came over. Rylee asked, "Is it MY birthday?!" She was so excited her friends came over to play with her! It used to happen a lot more often than it does lately, but we have all been so busy! After the boys were done at the shooting range, Liz and I brought the kids to Millington to meet them for dinner. It was a lot of fun.
     This morning, as soon as Rylee got up, we started on "Daddy's birthday breakfast surprise." She chose to make him blueberry muffins "because blue is his favorite color." And then she wanted to make him a card. While the muffins were baking, I got her ready for church, and she could barely stand waiting to wake him up and tell him all about his surprise. When the time finally came, she woke him up with 24 kisses. It was downright precious. She was so proud to show him the breakfast she made for him and they ate together while she talked nonstop. :)
      After church, we went to lunch with Ryan's family and have enjoyed a gorgeous, restful day at home since then. I hope his birthday weekend was everything he wanted because he deserves nothing but the best. He constantly treats the girls and I like princesses  and a queen. We love him to the moon and would be so lost without him!

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