Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, March 3, 2014

The Circus

     Saturday we took the kids to Memphis to see the circus. It was a blast. The girls were so good, especially Payton, we didn't hear a peep out of her the whole time. I think she was just taking everything in!
    When we first got there, we jumped right into the chaos. We got Rylee and Kade circus t-shirts (they didn't have anything in baby sizes for Payt), and each got a little toy. Kade got a trumpet and Rylee got a wand that lit up. Then Kade went for a pony ride and Rylee went straight for this slide. She had a blast. By the end of the circus, the guy selling tickets for the slide knew Rylee by name. Haha! She really, really wanted to ride the ponies but she didn't like the mess when we first got there and during intermission there was no mess but the line was too long. She still had lots of fun, though!
    I think its safe to say these 2 had a great first experience with the circus! They smiled and laughed and yelled and talked the whole time. It was so exciting and there was so much too see. They got a little antsy just before intermission, but we had been sitting a long time. After intermission came both of their favorite parts...
     Rylee's favorite part was the elephants. She has been telling us that when she grows up, she is going to be a girl who rides on elephants at the circus! Ha! And you can guess what Kade's favorite part was... But I'd have to say, those dirt bikes were my favorite part, too. It was an awesome show!
       All in all, it was a fantastic day, and we all had a wonderful time. I honestly think I had just as much fun as Rylee did. I love making memories like these with my sweet babies. Being a mommy is such fun!

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