Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spring Break 2014

     Today wraps up our Spring Break, and we have had a blast! After having a week out of school due to yucky ice 2 weeks ago, you wouldn't have guessed all the beautiful sunshine-y days we have had this week, but that's just the way Tennessee weather goes... We have had some adventures, spent lots of time outside, and spent every minute enjoying our time together!
     We kicked off our Spring Break last weekend by heading to Middle Tennessee to visit Grandma and Grandpa. While we were there, we had a mini birthday party for Mama and Liz since their birthdays are both in Mid-March. The kids had a blast playing and eating and jumping on the bed. The long ride is definitely for the birds, but we always have a good time visiting and the kids LOVE Grandma and Grandpa's "tree-house"!
    Monday was St. Patty's day and the weather wasn't so lovely, so Liz and I dressed the kids up in green and headed to the Children's Museum of Memphis. It was Rylee and Payton's first time to go there, and both of them took everything in. Rylee had a blast going to each section and trying it out. Her favorite part was catching the fish. Payton's favorite part was the wind machine. It had these scarves you could put in it to watch them blow through the pipes, and she thought the scarves were the bets thing ever!
 Tuesday, Mary had to get her wisdom teeth cut out, so Liz took her to the dentist and I kept Kade. We had a lot of fun learning to write our names, blowing bubbles and playing jump rope. After Mary was at home in bed, Liz met us at the park with pizza and we had a picnic and played and played some more. When we got home, the girls and I played outside even more. It turned out to be a gorgeous day.
   Wednesday, I cleaned the house and did laundry (oh boy!), but Thursday I spent the entire day at home just playing with Rylee and Payton. I didn't touch my phone or computer, and I don't even have a single picture from that day, I just focused 100% on my sweet girls, and during their nap time, I relaxed and read a book. It was a perfect day! I have been spending a lot of time getting Payton on a schedule this week since she is approaching her half birthday. I thought it would be difficult, but she took right to it, and even has started to put herself down for her naps without being rocked or nursed to sleep! It's a little bittersweet, but I'm proud of her.

     Friday, Rylee, Payton, and I spent the whole day with Liz and Kade at their house. Rylee and Kade had a blast. They played trains and cars and firetrucks and pirates. The squirted chickens with water guns and rode with Liz on her new bike. And Payton had her 6 Month pictures made! She was so stinkin' adorable! After Ryan, Brandon, Mary, and Chuck got off work, they headed over and we had a cookout. The 3 amigos were excited to be reunited and have time to play together, and we enjoyed some amazing food with amazing company. It was a perfect Spring day.
    Yesterday, Liz and I did some major damage on a full day shopping trip and the kids had fun days with their daddies. Today, I am putting up clothes, getting the girls stuff ready for daycare tomorrow, and just spending time with my little family. I am excited to see my sweet kindergartners tomorrow, but I am very sad to leave these 2 precious girls. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with them, and I have had lots of time with them for the passed few months because we have had so many snow days and such. Hopefully all the snow and ice is behind us now, but it was good to get so much time with them. Ryan has been working 52-60 hour weeks lately and it seems it will continue for the foreseeable future. Ryan is an amazing partner and is awesome about helping out with housework and caring for the girls, but when he's not home from 630 am - 730 pm, there's not much he can do. It's hard for me to work and take care of everything at the house and care for the girls, too, all by myself. But this week, I actually felt like I had everything under control. I am sure that feeling won't come back until June, so if you happen to drop by between now and then and my house is a mess and there are piles of laundry to be done and I'm chasing after 2 energetic girls, just ignore the mess and embrace the chaos. ;)

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