Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Back to School

      It's that time of year again! The time of year where teachers work long hours, walk around like zombies, and fall asleep at insanely early hours in the evening. Children aren't used to getting up early anymore, so mornings are anything but pleasant. Students haven't yet learned the ropes, so they need to be told how to do absolutely everything for several days in a row. And everything is just insane for at least the first month. Yep! School is back in session, and things have been crazy since day 1 of teacher inservice.
      Last weekend was tax-free weekend, so we went to Memphis and got Rylee some new tennis shoes and a few other things to help fill in the missing pieces of her wardrobe. We had fun, but by the end of the day, I was TIRED! Then Sunday we went to church, I went grocery shopping, and then the house needed cleaning.
       We have all been really tired, trying to get back into routine. The good thing is I've gotten lots of good snuggles from my girls who are usually too busy to snuggle. But even though I've been tired, I've had fun meeting all my new students and spending the week trying to get to know them. I have a great group of kids in my homeroom this year, and I can't wait to see how far they come this year! We are implementing a new literacy program this year, and I am SO excited about being able to push my students farther than ever before, but it is hard trying to learn something new.
      Thursday, I found out they had some extra slots open in our school's Pre-K, so Rylee Love will be starting "big girl" school tomorrow. I am excited to have her close to me, and it doesn't hurt that she's going to be getting a high-quality Pre-K education for free, but I am a bit sad about this new chapter in our lives. I cannot believe how quickly time has flown by. Yesterday, we went out shopping to get her everything she needed for school. We do a dress code in our county, so she needed "school clothes," and I got her a couple more pairs of shoes because she mostly had sandals and flip-flops and those are not in dress code. We went to lunch at Chik-fil-A, and she just talked me the whole time. It was almost surreal sitting there having a conversation over lunch with my BABY girl. Why is she so grown already?! I had the best day with her. We had so much fun shopping and laughing. I haven't had a day with just me and her in forever, so it was the perfect way to spend the Saturday before she begins her new school. Today we are going to church, then I hope the rest of the day is completely restful, and I hope it passes slowly.

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