Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, July 28, 2014

The End of Summer Break

      Today is the last day of Summer Break, and I think I may be just as sad as I was on my last day of maternity leave! The girls have grown so much this summer, and I have loved being here for every minute of it! The picture on the left was taken the first day of Summer Break and the picture on the right was taken on today. It's unreal how much Payton has grown, and I'm even more surprised that you can tell a difference in how Rylee has grown, too. Why do they insist on growing up on my so quickly?!
      We started our summer break with a family vacation in Florida. It does seem like a lifetime ago, so I know I had a good summer break, but it doesn't make it any easier for it to come to an end. We had so much fun on the beach, and it would have been nice to end summer break with another week down there. A girl can dream, right?!
     My favorite part of this summer break was watching the bond between these sisters grow. They have gotten so close. When I talk to Rylee about going back to school tomorrow, her main concern is, "Baby Payton will miss her sissy!" I'm pretty sure they will not like being separated at all. They have been together all day every day  for the last 2 months. They are so sweet playing together, but I know they will be fine tomorrow after the initial shock wears off. They both enjoy daycare and getting to see their friends.
      Last week, we spent a lot of time in the sun and I think that was the perfect way to warp up our break. Rylee also got to spend a lot of time with Austin, which she enjoyed thoroughly. We won't get any more time with them until the new baby, Callie, arrives this fall, so we took advantage of everyday of their visit last week. I'm also glad to have gotten a little bit of a tan to go back to school with because I feel like everyone looks better with a little tan!
     Friday I got my class list and worked on my classroom some. It's not finished yet, but it's not too far from done, and it will definitely be ready by registration this Friday. I am super excited about this school year. We are implementing a new extended literacy program and grouping students differently than we did in the past. I am excited about the groups I got, and I know they are going to learn A LOT this year! I can't wait!!
       But no matter how excited I am about this coming school year, it is still hard to leave these sweet faces behind each day. I am thankful that I have a career that I love, and also thankful that that career allows me to have breaks and stay home and just be a mom from time to time. It's hard work being a teacher and hard work being "just a mom," but both jobs are rewarding and make me very happy! This summer has had it's ups and downs, but I'm thankful for every minute, especially those that I got to spend with my sweet babies. I have kissed Payton's chubby cheeks at least a million times, and snuggled Rylee endlessly. I love these 2 little girls more than words could ever express. I am looking forward to meeting my new "babies" that I will love and teach this year, and I'm looking forward to seeing how my girls adjust to going back to school and picking up with their friends and maybe making some new friends, too. This week is going to be crazy, but it will get better and once things settle down, everything will be fine!

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