Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 in Review

     We are continuing our yearly tradition of having a little get together/playdate on New Years Eve tonight, but before we bring in 2015, I wanted to take a second to recap 2014. It seems like time is moving so quickly. It seems as if we were just ended 2013, now 2014 has come to a close. 
      These girls have grown so close this year. I think that has been my favorite part of 2014: watching the bond between these sisters grow. This time last year, Rylee loves Payton, but Payton was tiny and couldn't do much, so they weren't very close. Now they are playmates and buddies. Where one is, you can always find the other nearby. I love how much they love each other. They have their little disagreements, which I'm sure will get worse as they get older, but I hope they always love each other just like they do now.
     We have had some new experiences this year. Payton's first trip to the park, beach, pool... a lot of first for her this year. She's also shown us her personality in full force. She is very active and happy, and she knows exactly what she wants. She is a special little lady. Rylee Love has changed so much. She has come out of her shell 100%. I can't beleive she was shy this time last year. NO ONE would accuse her of being shy these days. She still has her anxieties and every once in a while she may still have a tantrum, but overall she has matured so much this year. I can't believe it's the same child!
      We have spent a lot of time with those we love this year. Family is so important to us. I didn't grow up with any extended family nearby, so I love that the girls get to have such close relationships with their cousins and (great) aunts and (great) uncles and (great) grandparents. It makes me very happy.
        These girls sure have changed a lot this year. I don't even want to think how big they will be this time next year. I really wish I could find the trick to make time slow down.
    & I sure hope this isn't a sign of what 2015 has in store for us..... ;)

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