Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas(es) 2014

    Friday we traveled to Georgia, to Aunt Andrea and Uncle Phil's home to spend the weekend. Saturday began Christmas Round 1 with the Boswells in Georgia. We had a delicious lunch and got way too full, and then the kids opened presents and got way too spoiled! The kids played and played while the adults played Bezzerwizzer and Alex, Mel, and my team won!
      Sunday we traveled to Canton (about an hour from where Aunt Andrea and Uncle Phil live), to have Christmas Round 2 with Mel and Josh. Rylee and Payton had a blast playing in Austin's room, and then we opened presents. The girls were so excited. PAyton loves Minnie Mouse and Rylee Love adores Frozen, so the gifts were perfect. After presents, we headed to a local Mexican restaurant for lunch and then we headed back to Aunt Andrea and Uncle Phil's.
     We had noticed Rylee Love wasn't feeling very well. She didn't have anything extreme, but she just wasn't 100%, so we took her to the local Urgent Care since we would be spending most of the day Monday driving home, we wanted to make sure it wasn't anything serious before we headed back. It turns out she had Flu type A. I was worried since hse had come in contact with so many people in the last few days that someone else would get it, but luckily that din;t happen. We got her some tamiflu to help her kick it by Christmas, and she was fever free and better by Monday afternoon. On the ride home Monday, Payton was coughing A LOT and her fever returned, so I called to make her a follow up appointment with Dr. Melton about her upper respiratory infection. We went in Tuesday and his exact words were "her lungs sound terrible," so after 3 chest xrays and a flu test and a blood test, it was determined that she had developed a severe case of bacterial bronchitis because the amoxicillin she was on for her upper respiratory infection didn't kick it. She was given a baby zPac and albuteral to help clear her lungs and we go back Monday to make sure she is all better.
     Christmas Eve, we had Christmas Round 3 with my sisters and these sweet cousins. We ate brunch and then exchanged gifts. It was a lot of fun. These kids just have a blast playing together, but add presents into the mix and it's double the fun! Payton still wasn't feeling 100%, but since she wasn't contagious, we let her join in the fun and that seemed to be the best medicine for her.
     We we got home, Payton took a nap, so Rylee Love and I had fun decorating our giant gingerbread man that Aunt Andrea gave us. Of course, she didn't want to eat any being the picky child that she is, but she had a blast decorating him.
    When Payton got up, we had dinner, then we began Christmas Round 4 and exchanged gifts among our little family. To keep myself form going overboard, I did want, need, wear, read for the girls this year. Rylee Love got Frozen dolls (want), rain boots (need), a Frozen t-shirt (wear), and some sight word reader (read). Payton Joy got a giant Minnie Mouse (want), new tennis shoes (need), a Minnie Mouse t-shirt (wear), and a Minnie Mouse book (read). I got Ryan a gun safe, and some new pajamas. A few months back he got his carry permit and that was part of his Christmas gift as well. I got a tripod, an embroidery/sewing machine, and accessories to go with it.
       After the girls went to bed on Christmas Eve, we set up their "big" gifts in the living room for them to wake up and find on Christmas morning. Rylee Love got a keyboard to practice her new piano skills on and Payton Joy got a Minnie Mouse ball pit. Both girls were ecstatic. After they enjoyed their new gifts for a while, we passed out stockings. Everyone got a few little goodies.
        Then we began Christmas Round 5, Christmas morning breakfast at Granny and Paw Paw's. It was so much fun. We ate til we couldn't eat anymore, then Rylee Love and Jenna passed out everyone's presents. After presents, we enjoyed each other's company while the girls played and played and played. Around noon, we headed home so Payton Joy could nap. When I got into the car, I realized I had left my phone in there. I checked to see if I'd missed anything, and I screamed when I saw the text my sister had sent me. MARY AND CHUCK ARE ENGAGED!!!! I called her and got all the details and squealed some more. I could not be more excited for them.
      After Payton woke up from her nap, we headed to Nonna and Granddaddy's for Christmas Round 6. Rylee Love passed out on the way there. She didn't want to nap at home, but apparently she needed one. Being spoiled is hard work after all!
     We had a lot of fun at Nonna and Granddaddy's. Payton opened all the gifts, she wouldn't even let Rylee Love open her own gifts. So Rylee Love played with the new gifts, especially Payton's, while we unwrapped. Then we headed home and tried our best to get the house in order because we knew Friday we'd be hosting the Houghtalings Christmas at our house,
     Christmas Round 7 was the longest, loudest, and most exhausting round, but it was A LOT of fun. We squealed and awed over Mary's ring. We started some wedding planning. ;) The kids played and played and played some more. We had dinner. Then finally it was time to open gifts. The kids got in their matching jammies, and we began to pass out gifts. Everyone got what they wanted and more. It was definitely a very blessed Christmas. Then we had a slumber party. Rylee and Kaden slept in Rylee's bed. Bailey slept with mary on one air mattress. Ryan and I slept on another air mattress. My parents had the master bedroom. And Liz took a couch. We woke up and I made chocolate chip pancakes and then everyone headed home.

     As busy as Christmas is for us (7 rounds?!), I did my best to never lose sight of what really matters. I think that made this our brest Christmas yet. We've read the Christmas story to the girls a million times. I've spent every moment I could with these 3. And I have enjoyed every minute I have been able to spend with everyone we love. I hope your Christmas was as merry as ours. 

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