Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Field Tripping

    On Wednesday, December 3rd all of RPS kindergarten (that is 12 kindergarten classes) took a field trip to Memphis to see Peter Pan at Playhouse on the Square. It is such a cute play. The kids really enjoyed it, and they were extremely well behaved throughout. Overall, it was a very great day! But there were 12 very tired kindergarten teachers at the end of it!
     On Friday, December 5th, our class took a mini field trip to the Ripley Square to see The Festival of Trees. We got to hear a story, vote on our favorite trees, and color a picture. It was a lot of fun. The kids really enjoyed seeing all the beautifully decorated trees. Rylee Love's class got to go later that day, and she voted on the Frozen tree, of course.
      Thursday, December 11th, I took a personal day so I could chaperon Pre-K's field trip to Peter Pan. It is so different going on a field trip as parent vs as a teacher. I enjoyed getting to spend the day with Rylee Love and see her reaction to the play. I also enjoyed getting to meet her classmates and her "best school friend" Lexi. It was a lot of fun, and Rylee really enjoyed the play. We even got to sit next to Bailey and Mary during the show, so that was extra special. I am so glad I had the opportunity to go on this trip.

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