Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

18 Month Check-Up

    Payton Joy had her 18 Month check up today. She weighs 25 lbs 15 oz (75th percentile) and is 31,5 inches tall (50th percentile). Unfortunately her head grew an entire centimeter since her last check up, putting her well off the charts in head size once more. He wants to monitor her head size even more closely, so we cannot wait until her 24 Month physical to check it again, so we've gotta go back this summer and get it checked again. If it continues to grow at an above-average rate, she will be referred to a neurologist for an ultrasound to determine if there is water on her brain. Dr. Melton seems fairly certain that this isn't the case because her development is right on track. She is walking and attempting to run. She can feed herself and pick up small items with her thumb and index finger. She is very social, she makes great eye contact, points, waves, and give high fives. She is extremely verbal. Her vocabulary expands every day. She often talks in complete sentences and can have conversations with others. She is doing so well, he doesn't seem to think there can be anything wrong with her brain, and more likely she just has a large head. My poor baby! haha.
     She is so full of personality! She is a little mess. She likes to be silly and make others laugh. She is very headstrong and is not going to let anyone push her around. She is also very strong. If you try to pick her up and she wants down, she is going to get herself out of your arms. She also eats like a pro. She is not picky like Rylee. There are very few foods that she doesn't like. Her favorite foods are peas, green beans, bananas, yogurt, mac and cheese, and applesauce.
      Payton wears size 2T clothes, size 5 shoes, and size 5 diapers. She has 14 teeth and a beautiful smile. She sleeps from 7 pm-6 am and takes one 1-2 hour nap daily. She is constantly on the move. Her favorite place to be is outside. Her hair has grown so much since 15 months! Now she has a head full of curls, and I'm obsessed!
     She loves her sissy, but she doesn't want a lot of physical affection. She likes to have her own space, but she wants to be right beside sissy, just not touching. I gave her her first manicure last night and she was so excited. I love being her mommy and wouldn't trade my wild child for the world!

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