Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, April 18, 2015

What Salvation Means to Me

     I don't claim to be a great poet or anything, but I have used creative writing as an outlet for my emotions and as a way to organize the chaos in my mind for as long as I can remember. I wrote this tonight, and I wanted to share it in hopes that someone else could relate.

What Salvation Means to Me

I'm free to love others and not judge them.
I'm free to acknowledge and say goodbye to my sin.
I'm free to forgive and turn the other cheek.
I'm free to be who You want me to be.

I choose to follow Your Spirit and Your Word.
I choose to be used for You to be heard.
I choose to have not my, but Your will be done.
I choose to believe that You are God's only son.

I feel Your presence down deep in my heart.
I feel so unworthy. How great Thou art!
I feel brand new. The old me is dead.
I feel Your truth when lies fill my head.

I need Your light to guide me to Your arms.
I need Your Spirit to guard my soul from harm.
I need Your love when I feel all alone.
I need You. I can't do this on my own.

I no longer care what this world thinks is best.
I no longer care if my flesh shall meet death.
I no longer care who likes what I do.
I only care about being faithful to You.

I am not perfect, and my flesh will never be.
I still sin, but I've accepted Your mercy.
I once was blind to the Truth, but now I see.
I am washed in Your blood. That's what salvation means to me.

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