Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter 2015

     Friday we had no school in honor of Good Friday, so Bailey came and spent the day with us while Mary went to work. We had such a good day playing and laughing, but my favorite part was dyeing Easter eggs during Payton's nap time. The girls wanted to try to dip the eggs in every single color, but they still turned out pretty cute. It was a great day.
     Saturday was a fun-filled, busy day. We got up and got dressed and headed to Mary's Chapel for the annual Resurrection Celebration. I made the girls matching appliqued shirts to wear, and I'm proud of how cute they turned out, but not so happy with my choice of white shirts, they were filthy by the end of the day!
    The kids had a lot of fun learning about Jesus's death and resurrection, hunting Easter eggs, painting crosses and stones and dyeing Easter eggs at the church. They seem to understand more and more each year, and that really touches my heart to watch them draw nearer to Christ.
          After the Resurrection Celebration, we headed to Liz and Brandon's for our annual cousin Easter celebration. The kids had so much fun. We ate pizza. Then we hid over 100 eggs, and they hunted and ate candy until they had their fill. Then they spent the rest of the afternoon jumping on the trampoline. I don't know how they can't jump for hours without getting tired, but they sure had a blast.
    This morning the girls woke up to their Easter gifts. I made them coordinating t-shirts with love and joy embroidered on them for their middle names, Payton got mess free color wonder Minnie Mouse, and Rylee got a full art set that she's been asking for, and they each got a kite. We didn't go overboard on gifts, but they were both thrilled. After they went through their baskets, it was time to get ready for church. I made their Easter dresses this year, and I am so pleased at how they turned out. I wish I had more time for sewing, but I was definitely busy during my Spring Break getting their Easter outfits ready.

     I love Easter Sunday, and our service at church this morning just reinforced that love. I am so very grateful for the sacrifice God made to become like us and take on all of our sins and be crucified so that he could come out victorious over sin and death once and for all. After church, we headed over to Granny and Paw Paw's for Easter lunch and time with family.
    After we ate, the kids hunted eggs, and Rylee found the giant prize egg! It had $5, stickers, and a chocolate bunny inside: major score! It was so much fun to watch the girls play with Jenna and spend time with those we love.
     We have had a very blessed Easter, and I hope you have, too. During church this morning, Rylee had so many questions. She was asking me about God and how he gets into our hearts. She was asking me, "How can I get him to come live in my heart?" It made me so happy to hear her ask those questions, and she may be young, but I can see she is getting closer and closer to truly understanding the sacrifice that was made for us and being able to acknowledge Jesus Christ as her personal lord and savior. Nothing will make me happier than seeing my kids come to Christ. I pray often for my girls' salvation. There is nothing more important that having a personal relationship with Christ, so there is nothing that I pray for them more than that.

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