Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Rylee Love's 1st Piano Recital

     Rylee Love had her very first piano recital today! She did a wonderful job. She was the youngest one there by over 2 years, so I'm super proud of her! She was very anxious about it this morning, and I got worried she might not go through with it. I had nothing to worry about. My girl is a star! :)
      It was such a great recital. All the students did really well. There were 2 that did vocal pieces as well as piano pieces and they were phenomenal! I enjoyed listening to the more complicated pieces and thinking of where Rylee's skill level will be after a few more years of practice.
      Granny, Paw Paw, Emmie, Aunt Mary, Bailey, Aunt Liz, Uncle Brandon, and Kaden all came to watch her perform. Of course Ryan, PAyton, and I were there, too. Emmie brought her flowers. It was her first time to get flowers, she was so proud of them! Granny brought her and Payt a little gift. My girls are so spoiled! After the recital, we took Ryles to get some ice cream. She definitely deserved it!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Mary is MARRIED!

      It's official. Mary and Chuck are hitched! Last night, Ben, Ryan, the girls, and I had  a "slumber party" at Liz and Brandon's. Liz and I made it to midnight before passing out! The boys were out by 11:30. We win! Ha! This mornign we all got ready together and headed to Dyersburg to the wedding. On the way there, Rylee Love got sick and I nearly had a panic attack. But it turns out she was just "carsick" and luckily I had a bag in the car, so her clothes did not get ruined!
     The ceremony was absolutely beautiful. It was a small gathering of just their families and it was so intimate and sweet. I teared up watching her walk down the aisle. It is so beautiful to watch someone's fairytale unfold.
    Payton Joy had a ball at Aunt Mary's wedding. She loved the dance floor. I had to pull out the tissues when she convinced Uncle Ben to dance with her. It was a moment I never though I'd see and I am so very thankful that my girls are getting to know their Uncle Ben and he is doing better and better each and every day.
       It was a lot of fun to spend some time with my siblings yesterday and today. I wish the other 2 could have been there so all 6 could be together again, but I have faith that that will happen one day. I love my family so. I am so very happy for Mary and Chuck! Their 2 families have joined into one. Welcome to the family, Chuck. You may be just crazy enough to hang with us! ;)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Rylee Love, the Graduate!

       This school years has FLOWN by! I cannot believe my baby graduated Pre-K today. Next month she'll be 5, then in a few short months, she will be starting kindergarten, oh my! She has grown so much this year, especially in terms of maturity. She has overcome so many of her fears and anxieties, and I am so very proud of her!
     Even though she and Bailey were not in the same class this year, they got to spend a lot of time together and share a lot of the Pre-K experience, and I am so thankful for this year. Next year, they will be at different schools. Lexie is Rylee Love's first real friend that she has made outside of family. Lexie helped Ryles come out of her shell so much this year. I love watching this sweet friendships form.
       The graduation ceremony was absolutely adorable! The kids sang their little hearts out. I teared up when they called my baby's name. It just does not seem right that she is this grown on me already! After the ceremony, I had to go back to work, but Ryan took Ryles to Incredible Pizza to celebrate her big day!
      I am so thankful for these 3 wonderful ladies who taught my child this year! Especially, her teacher Ms. Kim. She made Rylee's first year of "big girl school" a major success! Kindergarten, here we come!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

       I started out my Mother's Day celebration by attending Pre-K's "Pastries for Parents" breakfast on Friday morning. I also had to register Rylee Love for kindergarten on Friday, so my emotions were all over the place. I ate with Rylee Love and Bailey since Mary couldn't make it due to work. These girls love each other so. After the breakfast, the students sang songs for their parents, and it was the cutest thing.
    Saturday morning I slept in until 10! Then after I got ready, we headed to iHop for brunch. It was absolutely delicious, and even better a sweet elderly couple picked up or tab for us. It brings me joy to see complete starngers showing such kindness. It shows there are still some good people left in the world. Saturday evening we went to a cookout at Mary and Bailey's new house. After the wedding, Chuck and Brantley will be moving in. It is such a nice house. We had a really good time.
     This morning, we got up and got ready for church. My one wish was to get a great photo of me with my girls and Ryan definitely made that wish come true! I love the sweet shot he got of us this morning.
    At church we dedicated the girls to the Lord. We promised to be Godly parents and good role models for them in hopes that one day they will each develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It was a perfect way to spend Mother's Day! When we got home, the girls gave me their gifts. I love, love, love handmade gifts. They are so precious to me!
    Payton is not feeling well now. Ryan has taken her to Urgent Care with 103 fever and wheezing, but other than that it has been a perfect mother's day. Motherhood has it's ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I feel so blessed to be "mommy" to these two special treasures, and I hope they always know and always feel how deeply I love them.