Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Rylee Love's 1st Piano Recital

     Rylee Love had her very first piano recital today! She did a wonderful job. She was the youngest one there by over 2 years, so I'm super proud of her! She was very anxious about it this morning, and I got worried she might not go through with it. I had nothing to worry about. My girl is a star! :)
      It was such a great recital. All the students did really well. There were 2 that did vocal pieces as well as piano pieces and they were phenomenal! I enjoyed listening to the more complicated pieces and thinking of where Rylee's skill level will be after a few more years of practice.
      Granny, Paw Paw, Emmie, Aunt Mary, Bailey, Aunt Liz, Uncle Brandon, and Kaden all came to watch her perform. Of course Ryan, PAyton, and I were there, too. Emmie brought her flowers. It was her first time to get flowers, she was so proud of them! Granny brought her and Payt a little gift. My girls are so spoiled! After the recital, we took Ryles to get some ice cream. She definitely deserved it!

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