Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Rylee Love, the Graduate!

       This school years has FLOWN by! I cannot believe my baby graduated Pre-K today. Next month she'll be 5, then in a few short months, she will be starting kindergarten, oh my! She has grown so much this year, especially in terms of maturity. She has overcome so many of her fears and anxieties, and I am so very proud of her!
     Even though she and Bailey were not in the same class this year, they got to spend a lot of time together and share a lot of the Pre-K experience, and I am so thankful for this year. Next year, they will be at different schools. Lexie is Rylee Love's first real friend that she has made outside of family. Lexie helped Ryles come out of her shell so much this year. I love watching this sweet friendships form.
       The graduation ceremony was absolutely adorable! The kids sang their little hearts out. I teared up when they called my baby's name. It just does not seem right that she is this grown on me already! After the ceremony, I had to go back to work, but Ryan took Ryles to Incredible Pizza to celebrate her big day!
      I am so thankful for these 3 wonderful ladies who taught my child this year! Especially, her teacher Ms. Kim. She made Rylee's first year of "big girl school" a major success! Kindergarten, here we come!

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