Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Halloween 2015

    This was by far our craziest Halloween yet. It started on Friday at school. We finished out Drug Free week with "Boo to Drugs" day, and everyone got to wear their costumes to school. Rylee love dressed up as a fairy princess, and I joined the kindergarten teachers who dressed as "kindergarten cops" so I guess I was a "pre-k cop". It's not as catchy, but I was glad they let me join them, so I didn't have to think of something all on my own. :)
       There was a costume parade around the school, and it was a blast. Unfortunately the day went downhill from there. A stomach bug hit my class and it seemed like one after another was getting sick and going home. By the time we went trick or treating around the school I was down to 13 students (out of 20). It was insane. By the end of the day, I wasn't feeling so hot and I just knew the virus was coming for me next...
   When I got home my temp was 101.5, I took some ibuprofen and laid down, but it kept going up and ended up spiking at 103.9. I felt terrible. My whole body hurt. When I woke up Saturday morning, I headed straight to the local Urgent Care. I tested positive for strep. I was glad to know what it was so I could start feeling better. But I was also devastated that I couldn't take the girls trick or treating on Halloween.
     Ryan took over for me, and the girls had an absolute blast. They started at Granny's, then headed to Nonna's, then went to the Trunk or Treat at the church.
...And weren't they just the cutest little witches you ever did see?! I am so thankful for Ryan, and I'm so glad the girls were able to still have a good Halloween. Today I am finally starting to feel human again, and I am glad to be able to spend some time with my girls today before it's back to the real world tomorrow.

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