Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas(es) 2015

      Our Christmas celebrations didn't start out so great this year. We were supposed to start with Christmas Eve brunch at Liz and Brandon's, but instead we started with Rylee puking her guts up at 3 am on Christmas Eve. I was absolutely devastated. I felt horrible that Rylee Love was so sick, and I was also very sad to miss out on celebrating with my sisters. By around 11, Rylee finally felt better, so after a nap and a good bath, we started our own celebration to help lift all our spirits.
    The girls LOVED their gifts. They each got a book, a raincoat, and rain boots. Payton got dress up clothes, a peekaboo kitty, and a new babydoll with a carrier and diaper bag. Rylee got a Mario Cart wall climber, Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii, and a hover ball. After they went to bed Ryan and I exchanged our gifts. It turned out to be a good day afterall.
     On Christmas morning, the girls woke up and opened their stockings. They were thrilled to find so many goodies and make up and bath toys.
     Then we headed to Christmas Breakfast at Granny and Paw Paw's. We had delicious food, and great company. The girls had a blast playing together and opening presents. Aunt Vicki even organized a candy cane hunt throughout the house, The kids loved it.
     After breakfast, we went home for a nap. Rylee, Payton, and I were PASSED OUT. Haha. Then we headed to Nonna and Granddaddy's for Christmas dinner. Nonna made pot roast!!! That was the best gift I got for Christmas-haha! I love pot roast. We were thrilled! Then we opened gifts and just enjoyed spending time together. It was the perfect ending to a perfect day!
     On Saturday, Grandma and Grandpa came and we did Christmas with my side of the family. We always do a pajama party, and this year I personalized the kids' jammies. The looked extra adorable! We played, laughed, ate, and opened gifts. It was a blast.
   Even though everything didn't always go exactly as palnned, we had a very blessed Christmas. It is such a blessing to have so many people we love and who love us. I am so thankful for both of our families and for all the time we get to spend with those we love. Every moment is precious, but the holidays just magnify all those special relationships and how blessed we truly are.

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