Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Zoo Lights & Christmas City

    We had a weekend filled with Christmas fun. Saturday, we drove to Memphis to take the girls to Zoo Lights. It was so much fun. The weather was warm and perfect. The Zoo was crowded, but it's so big that it was not a problem.
   We walked around and enjoyed all the lights, int he entry way they even had snow machines. The girls loved that it was "snowing". We also rode the train and the carousel and then we ate and the girls played on the playground for a bit before we headed home. It was so much fun.

   Today we headed to Burlison to Christmas City with Liz, Brandon, Kaden, and Levi. It was a blast. There was no crowd at all, so the kids could walk around and look at whatever they wanted to. They loved it.

    Payton's favorite was the Minnie Mouse and Rylee's favorite was the Elsa, but they loved it all. There were so many new things, and they also loved looking at their favorite from years past.
    MY favorite part is the life of Jesus. The kids go from section to section talking all about what they see and what they know about Jesus's life. It is such a blessing to hear them speak the truth and want to learn more about Christ. It truly gets me into the Christmas spirit.

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