Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Mine and Kaden's birthdays

     I love my birthday, but I kinda wanted to stop aging at 25, so it felt like 26 snuck up on me. Haha! I woke up to a cake and gifts from my wonderful hubby, and that started my day off just right.
    Then I headed to school, and walked in to my kids shouting "Happy Birthday, Ms. Becca!" I love that. And my sweet assistant got me a card and a cake and the wonderful ladies on my wing bought me lunch. It was a great day. When we got home from school, we went to dinner with Nonna, Granddaddy, Granny, and Paw Paw. It was delicious, and the perfect way to wrap up my day.
    Unfortunately, as soon as my birthday was over, the stomach bug hit Payt. She woke up around midnight and got sick a couple more time between then and 4 am. After that she was better, but since she was sick that night, Ryan stayed home with her so she wouldn't spread her germs to her friends at daycare.
    Yesterday was Kaden's birthday party. He had a batman themed party at Bounce With Us. The kids had an absolute blast jumping and playing their hearts out.
    After the party, we went to Mary's house for lunch with my parents and sisters and their families. They gave me presents for my birthday and Chuck made a twix brownie dessert that was fabulous.
    Once we left Mary's we headed to Liz and Brandon's to check out Kaden's new "toy". He got a gas fourwheeler for his birthday, and it is really cool. They roe for a while, and Brandon rode them on his fourwheeler some, too. Then they headed inside to check out the rest of his new toys. It was a lot of fun. I would say we both had very good birthdays. I love sharing my birthday with him because it means I get to have lots of family time during my birthday week.

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