Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day 2016

      Today is Father's Day. The girls and I surprised Ryan with his gifts early. I stink at surprises, so the only way for me to pull them off is to give them before they are expected. He was thrilled with his gifts. Then Friday night I made him pot roast, potatoes, carrots, green beans, and rolls. I think he may have liked that more than his presents. Haha. Today the girls and I made him muffins for breakfast before church and he liked that, too. Hopefully these little things let him know just how much we appreciate him.
      During Sunday School today we made awards for fathers. I told the kids to pick 1 thing that their dad was really good at. 1 child said her dad was really good at working out. Rylee Love said her dad was really good at playing video games. That is her favorite thing to do with him. It's so sweet.
      Last night we surprised her with her birthday presents from us. We got her a Wii U and a few games for it and a couple of games for her 3DS that her Aunt Mel gave to her. She was beyond excited. She and he daddy have been playing together every moment that we have been home since she got it.

       Don't I have a good looking crew? I feel so blessed with these 3. There are days that they drive me crazy, but I wouldn't trade them for the world. I love my little family so!
    Happy Father's Day, Ryan. We love you and appreciate you so much! There's no one I'd rather spend my life with more than you!

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