Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, June 17, 2016

Summer Break Week 3

    Saturday, we got to see my oldest sister, Sarah and her daughter Ava. These 3 kids have not seen each other since they were in diapers, but they immediately took up like best friends. It was so good to see them. 
     Monday and Tuesday I caught up on housework, got some much needed rest after going, going, going for the first 2 weeks of summer break, spent time with my girls, and tried to catch up on some of my orders for my embroidery and vinyl business: Love, Joy, and Designs. Wednesday I had a doctor's appointment, did some grocery shopping, and then we had dinner with Nonna.
      Thursday we were ready for some fun in the sun, so we headed to Atoka to visit the Splash Pad. It's a really cool sprinkler park and the kids absolutely love it. It was a great way to have lots of fun, but also stay cool while playing outside. The kids were sad when it was time to go.
     Today I took Rylee Love for her first birthday present. She has been begging for pink hair for months now. I thought only a crazy person would allow their child to get her hair dyed, but then I asked my hairdresser what her thoughts were. She has a daughter around Rylee's age who she has used temporary hair dye on, and she said it was no big deal. It doesn't damage her hair in any way and after a while it will wash out.
     So we did it, My 5-almost-6-year-old has a streak of pink in her hair. She could not be more thrilled. She is one spoiled little lady.

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