Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, June 24, 2016

Rylee Love is 6!

     Yep, it's true. My little BABY is 6 years old! How does that even happen?! I don't know why time has to speed up so much once you become a parent, but I do appreciate every moment I have had as her mother. I love the smart, silly, brave, beautiful, and sometimes quirky little girl she has grown to be.

     We kicked off her birthday by heading to Dyersburg to Bounce With US. The kids jumped and played and had a blast. Then we got some lunch and brought Kaden home with us to try out Rylee's new Wii U before her party.

    Her party was a huge success. We ate cupcakes and pizza and opened way too many presents. Then we went to the pool to swim. Rylee is spoiled rotten, and she loves it. At first I was worried it was going to be a bad night because some dark clouds were rolling in and the pizza delivery was late, but the pizza came and the clouds passed, and everything was great.
      Rylee is blessed with so many great friends and family and so many wonderful people who love her.
   The swimming part of her party was so much fun. The kids swam, and slid down the slides over and over again. A few of the kids even got brave enough to go down the big slide. Rylee was content going down the kiddie slides, but of course wild-child Payton Joy had to go down the big slide 3 different times. That child is fearless!
    Last night we went to see Finding Dory with Aunt May and Bailey. Rylee got to spend some quality time with Kaden on Tuesday and was glad to get some quality time with Bailey last night. What she wanted most for her birthday was to spend time with her first friends, her cousins, so I'm glad we could make that happen.
   Man, I can't believe how the time has flown. Rylee and I have both grown so much together. I thank God every single day for blessing us with this precious child. Being a mom is not always easy, but it is always worth it. I love you so much, Rylee Love. Happy Birthday!!

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