Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, June 12, 2016

VBS & Summer fun

    This week we had VBS at Mary's Chapel. It was a lot of fun. Ryan and I were in charge of recreation, so I got to meet and interact with all of the kids. That was my first time not being with one specific group and I rally liked being able to see all the groups instead of just 1.
    During the day we would try to do fun things together to enjoy our summer break, then each night we would go to VBS. It got to be a little exhausting, but a lot of fun.
     Wednesday we went to Dyersburg to meet up with Mary on her lunch break to celebrate her birthday, then we got to "steal" Bailey and we took the kids to Bounce With Us. Then Liz took Bailey to VBS. After VBS Bailey got to have a sleepover at our house. IT was awesome to get so much time with our sweet Bailey.
     Levi was anti-nursery throughout VBS, so we would jailbreak him and let him be our assistant. He would rotate between hanging out with Ryan and I and going with Brandon and Liz. I loved all the snuggles I got this week. He is my sweet little man!
    Tonight was family night and the official end of VBS. The kids performed their songs on stage and then we enjoyed a small meal with all of the workers, the kids, and their families. Throughout VBS there were 8 professions of faith in Jesus Christ from the kids. What a blessing it is to be involved in the salvation of our brothers and sisters in Christ!

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