Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Another Week of Fun!

      Monday we stayed home, and tried out a few of Rylee's birthday presents: her new sprinkler and her new slipNslide. The girls had an absolute blast!
     Tuesday, I took the girls to Dyersburg and we had a delicious lunch at El Patio, then we went to the movie theatre to see The Secret Life of Pets. On Tuesdays, movie tickets are only $5 each and popcorn is only $2! And the movie was super cute. We loved it. When we got home, Rylee, Ryan, and I played Mario Party 10 on the Wii U while Payton cheered us on. It was such a good day!
     Wednesday, we went swimming at Nonna and Granddaddy's pool with Liz, Kaden, and Levi. These kids are some serious water bugs. They would swim all day everyday if they could!
    Thursday Rylee went over and spent the night with Kaden. I love how close these 2 are. They have been best friends since they were born. I hope they are always this close!
    Friday morning we went swimming again, but it came to an abrupt end when my phone fell into the pool. Luckily I was able to save it by soaking it in alcohol then leaving it in rice to dry out, but it was definitely a close call! This morning, the girls and I went grocery shopping and got new tires put on my car. It was a sad day for my bank account, but a happy one for my car. Next we are going back to Nonna and Granddaddy's for more swimming fun this time with Daddy. There's nothing better than a cool pool in this summer heat!

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