Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Tomato Festival 2016

    Last night we had a blast! We went to the Ripley Tomato Festival with some of our favorite people. It was so much fun!
    ...And on a side note, how cute are these tank tops I monogrammed for myself and the girls?!
      Before the Festival, we went and had dinner at Kissell's Kitchen. It is one of our favorite places to eat. I could eat their BBQ everyday and not get sick of it! Of course after we left the restaurant, the 3 amigos wanted to ride together, so they rode in my car for the short drive from Kissell's to the park.
     Once we got there, the real fun began! The kids got to pet some animals at the petting zoo, then go get their wristbands to begin riding rides.
      They rode, and rode, and rode some more. They had so much fun! I love that they can make these memories together. Growing up with cousins is so much fun!
   After it started getting dark, the kids played a game, got a prize, and I got me a funnel cake, then we headed home. It was a wonderful night!

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