Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, July 4, 2016

Indpendence Day 2016

    Our church had a special patriotic service last Sunday.  There was special music and all past and present servicemen and civil servants were honored. It was cool to see Paw Paw dressed up in his Air Force uniform and be recognized for his service. We love him so and are very proud!
    Friday night our church had it's annual Independence Day celebration. There was a huge slip and slide going down a hill, kiddie pools, food, fellowship, and fireworks. It was so much fun.
    They did a really good job with the fireworks. Ryan was helping with the show, but Payton was not happy about that. She is such a daddy's girl and threw a fit that he wasn't with her during the show. But Rylee really enjoyed it. She has been afraid of fireworks in years past, so I'm glad she loved them this year.
   Saturday was a full day spent with family. We spent the morning and afternoon with my family. We had an early birthday party for my oldest niece, Brianna. We got to see Sarah, Ava, Landon, and of course Brianna and also spend time with Liz and Brandon and their boys and Mary and Chuck and Bailey.
 After we left there, we headed straight to Nonna and Granddaddy's to swim and spend time with Mel, Austin, and Callie. I love it when they are in town! We ended the day by headed back to our house to play Mario Party together and Austin had a slumber party with Payton and Rylee. They were thrilled.
    Sunday we went to church, then lunch, then headed back to Nonna and Granddaddy's for more swimming. Nonna spoiled these grandbabies with a "new toy" and they had an absolute blast!
    Then we headed to Jackson for a Generals game. It was hot, but so much fun. The kids snacked, danced, and enjoyed the game.
    After the game there was an amazing fireworks show. It was so gorgeous. All of the kids (and adults) really enjoyed it.
  This morning we all slept in. Mel, Austin, and Callie headed back to Georgia :(. It's been raining off and on, so we got the house straightened up, then Rylee and Ryan played Zelda on her Wii U, and we've just had a relaxing day. If the rain holds off, we will shoot a few fireworks of our own tonight, but if it doesn't, it'll be okay. It has been such a fun-filled weekend. I am thoroughly content. Happy Independence Day, y'all!

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